Friday, October 13, 2006

Google Docs and Spreadsheets, Google Notebook, ? what's next

I am a Google person I like everything about Google, talk to me for a bit and I will begin to say all sorts of things about Google.  Today, I opened up Gmail and on the top of my page as I was clicking on my calendar link I stopped, it was a new link not Spreadsheets anymore but Docs and Spreadsheets.  Anticipation chills went down the spine as I clicked the link to see the Docs feature that Google had just shown to me.  I opened up the page and there before was a blank document ready for my keyboard quill and callased fingertips.  I then proceeded to type a sentence 'This is a test', low and behold it got put in.  My next test was to see what you could do with this new application. What if i wanted to save my document on my hard disk, yes, they tought of it.  I can save in either Word, OpenOffice document format (OH MY DAD), HTML, or PDF.  Not only can i Have a portable word processor but I can have my documents up on the web.  As well as these features are being able to collaborate and publish the document up so that others can either help me edit or view the document.  Long ago, I used a white board and my groups would work together on a project in remote locations this brings a new light in becuase now when I can actually type in the document together.  Along with this you have ablility to review the revisions of the documents life so that now one's work gets over written.  My God what have they done to me its not like I am not on Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Notebook, Google Reader, Goolge Home Page, Google Pages, Google Grups, Google Blogger, and Google Talk.  Now I can add Google Docs and Spreadsheets to the long growing list.  My only thing is what is next??  Goolge Presentation maker lol. 

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